English Ladies Need ModestyAccording to this
Yahoo article, British police are recommending ladies don pants when going out drinking. Apparently, ladies are passing out and flashing bobbies, British for cops. I had no idea British Ladies, who are supposedly conservative, can be so much fun.
Chalupas for EveryoneThanks to Diamondback scoring eight runs last night, everyone received coupons for a free chalupa. I am looking forward to redeeming two coupons. Taco Bell, here I come. Too bad the rookie, Stephen Drew, did not get any hits from his first major league game.
Chris PennDo you know who Chris Penn is? Maybe you can guess from his last name. Chris is a brother to Sean Penn and an actor. I best knew him from Reservoir Dog. I thought he was a good actor, but he never achieved the kind of success his brother, Sean, has. Sadly, he passed away recently. There are much speculations as to circumstances of his death, but I do not want to guess.
Why am I writing about Chris Penn? I just saw Foot Loose again yesterday, which features Chris Penn as one of the major characters. I am going to remember a different Chris Penn after watching the movie. Chris I will remember is a promising, young, talented, and handsome actor.
Fox TrotI enjoy reading comic strips. I think the best one is
Fox Trot by Bill Amend. It features Roger, a bungling father, Andy, a sensible mother, Peter, a second rate high school jock, Paige, a not yet popular high school gal, and Jason, a prepubescent genius. Jason is the main character, in my humble opinion, and it is uncanny how funnier the comic gets for me as Jason gets nerdier about math, science, and computer science. Check it out, because it is genius.