I was running the other morning when I came across a D sized battery. It was discarded on the street. I ran past it, but decided it to go back and pick it up. I hate to see the battery get run over and start leaking toxic substances into our ground. The battery is now sitting in my garage waiting to be disposed properly.
While running back home, I could not stop thinking about the Bette Midler episode of The Simpsons. Do you remember the episode? Bette throws a rock at a truck, because the driver littered. Then the truck blows up. Bette Midler is very against littering from what I understand. Am I like Bette Midler? I wondered. I am against littering, too. It is weird how ideas pop in my head.
While running back home, I could not stop thinking about the Bette Midler episode of The Simpsons. Do you remember the episode? Bette throws a rock at a truck, because the driver littered. Then the truck blows up. Bette Midler is very against littering from what I understand. Am I like Bette Midler? I wondered. I am against littering, too. It is weird how ideas pop in my head.