Well, so much for
new year's resolutions. I've broken all of them I think. Let me check.
Broken Resolution: Check voice mails and return calls. This one is broken in a big way. I just checked my voice mails yesterday. There were twenty six voice mails! Some of them were left three weeks earlier. One of them said, "If this is an emergency, press pound!" It was pretty funny in a non humorous way. I returned this person's call, but I still need to call a few more. Including my mother, whose voice seemed to contain a slight anger. Uh-oh.
Broken Resolution: Run more often. I am not running more often. In fact, I've managed to run about once a week. That's weak! I was hoping to run four to five times a week. I am getting soft.
Broken Resolution: See little brother more often. I have not done this either. Darn!
Broken Resolution: Keep house more tidy. This house is just as messy as last year. Hmm.
Broken Resolution: Blog more often. Well, I am not blogging less, but I have not posted during the last three weeks. I got to post regularly.
I am not doing well in the keeping resolutions department, but it is not too late to start keeping the resolutions. I hope.
Big APOLOGY to my loyal readers
I got a couple of scolding e-mails. Where are you? Are you dead? And other dire questions about my well being. Thank you for your concern! I've been away from my computer for sometime when I went away to Prescott to act as an adviser for an Anytown Camp from 1/31 - 2/4. It was a physically and emotionally draining experience. I am glad I did it and a better person for having done it. Last week was a blur as I just went to work and slept. I am better now and I am going to post a little more often.