Oct 25, 2005

Learning to drive manual transmission and other updates ...

I wanted a Miata since I was in high school. It is a convertible, which is rearwheel driven, mid-engine, and handles well. What is not to like? Maybe it's girly image! I guess you cannot win everything. I am learning to drive manual transmission as no one suggests getting an automatic at all for this car. I am still making mistakes, but it is more fun than automatic. I guess I will be practicing frequently.

I'd been busy last weekend. Friday was a vino party with Trace and his gang. Saturday was a salmon bake at Danielle's. Sunday was learning to drive and breakfast with Azagras. Sunday evening was with my usual suspects (Rampleys, Parnells, etc, etc). There is a picture of Cameron at the top. Cool!

This weekend was fast and furious. More good news. Red birds and purple people eaters (aka Cardinals and Vikings) both won. Yeah! Now they are at dismal 2-4.

I have noticed that there are people who leaves me spam as comments for my blog. I wish they would stop.

Beer Update: Super Saison is being aged with oak chips and it is at least another week away from bottling.

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