My digital photography class is nearing its end, and I need to start putting together a portfolio. I might include the above picture. I was inspired by Andy Warhol's work, and everyone said it reminds them of Andy Warhol. I am not sure my grandmother would want it to be included in my portfolio. I should talk to her.
My beloved Vikings managed to put together a win last weekend. They are now 3-5 and still staying in the division championship hunt. I guess the division is a very lousy one. Media is saying Vikings are sticking to 4-3 formation and making its defense simpler. It may be working since they got a win. Hope this continues. Let's not even talk about the Cardinals.
I just received a pay check for being a bouncer at a bar. I know I am this hunk of a beefcake, but I don't like standing around doing nothing. I don't know how people can be a greeter/bouncer. I guess you are wondering how I became a bouncer. A bartender friend called me asking if I would help out an establishment that needed dishwahsers and security. I knew I did not want to be a dishwasher. I also need to say no more often. After that, C'est la vie.
Movie Recommendation: I am recommending a movie called, "DEBS." It is a very silly movie about teenage female spies. It is also about two girls finding each other. What is it about girls finding each other I find appealing? I am not sure, but it was sure entertaining.
Beer update: I think I will be bottling Super saison sometime next week. Oak Chips sunk to the bottom, and I don't know what that means. I did use a weight so it should sink, but it did not at first.
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