May 29, 2007

Reliable backup ...

Unlike in football, you can have a reliable backup in computing. I just put D-Link DNS-323 in my home network. It is like a dream. SATA II hard drives installed in no time, and web-interfaced configuration was easy to set up. I now have a gigabit network attached storage (NAS) that is a joy to use. I need to find an easy to use backup program, so I don't have to manually select and copy files. I don't particularly want to talk about how much it cost me as it seems like mucho denaro even if all the parts were cheaply obtained. I guess cheap is relative. I spent about $400 dollars to get two 500 gig SATA II hard drives, and a DNS gigabit dual bay NAS. I have no regrets as I will have a reliable way to back up my valuable digital files.

May 28, 2007

iPod update ...

It's been said, a picture is worth a thousand words. I thought I would post before and after pictures of my iPod after replacing the battery to show why I call my iPod, a ghettopod.

May 27, 2007

When boredom sets in ...

I was bored so I cut together video clips of Elite Beat Agents. I need to shoot some good clips so I can put together a decent video.

YMCA, anyone?

May 22, 2007

It's the end of the world as we know it ...

and I feel fine. I think how REM's song goes. What is up with all the light brown grass-hoppers(locust?). They are everywhere. When I drive, they all pop up to avoid crunch deaths. As I watch them pop up, I cannot help but think about the biblical signs prior to the apocalypse. I sure hope this is not a sign of an upcoming disaster.

May 20, 2007

High suicide rate among Asian-American women ...

I am very bummed out from reading an article from CNN about suicide rate among Asian-American women. I am very sad to find out my sister Asian-American women are killing themselves more than other race/ethnicity. The suicide level is so high, suicide is the second leading cause for 15 - 24. I personally believe suicidal thoughts are natural, but seriously considering it or committing it is unnatural. I need to call my sister. Just to chat.

So lazy ...

I have been saying to myself, I REALLY NEED TO CLEAN MY HOUSE for last three weeks. I have been cleaning just enough, so I can go on without getting sick in my own house. I really should be cleaning my house instead of blogging, but what the heck.

I should unload clean dishes, mop the kitchen and bathrooms, vacuum, and clean dog hairs off furnitures. Wish me luck. Maybe I should plan a party, so I will get my butt in gear and clean. Maybe?

May 19, 2007

Do you know where your data are?

I am using a couple of external Firewire drives to supplement my computer. After digitizing my music collection, storing digital photos, and editing video footages, it was very evident I needed more than 74 gig in my computer. I am content with storing my multimedia files off my computer as Firewire 400 connection is fast. Lately, I have been concerned what might happen if any of my hard drives failed. I would hate to spend hours putting music back on. Not to mention, losing music, photos, and videos, that I do not have physical backups. Ouch.

As the song I still haven't found what I'm looking for goes, I have not found a fast and reliable way to back up my valuable data. I bought one external box, Galaxy Metal Gearbox, that can connect via ethernet, but it has not worked out so well. Etherfast (100mbps) would take forever to transfer files. Also, whatever basic program running the box seems archaic. It would have a hard time transferring a huge files or files with long names. Bah humbug!!!!!!

I hope I've found a solution. I am spending a little money to buy a D-Link DNS-323, network attached storage. What makes it really cool are a gigabit port (1,000 mbps), two SATA hard drive support, and RAID 1 support.

I am hoping I will no longer have to worry about losing my valuable digital music, photos, videos, and other files.

May 13, 2007

As God as my witness I won't go hungry ...

My father just brought me two boxes of frozen meal from Trader Joe's. What gives? According to my father, My local Trader Joe's freezer is broken down. TJ frantically gave away as much food to local charity, but still had much left to give away. My father benefited as a business next door. I now have many boxes of enchiladas, pizzas, and rolled tacos. I guess I won't be hungry for sometime. Not that I am ever hungry.

Tumorpolluza ...

Did you know you can get a tumor on your heart? I did not know until about a year ago. Why a year ago? Because a dear friend Pam was diagnosed, operated on, and recovered from it a year ago. Pam gave all of us a real scare.

Pam invited her family and friends to celebrate one year anniversary of defeating it last Friday. I would not miss this. I did not know what to bring to this so called, "Tumorpolluza." Ah, the good ole standby, flowers. When I got there, people were already gathered and in great spirits. Or should I say, having spirits. It is always good to see Pam in such good mood. Pam gave a thank you speech that was quite touching. It was a good evening.

Make some free VOIP calls today ...

Skype is offering free calls within US and Canada today just in time to celebrate Mothers Day. Intel is sponsoring these free calls. How nice! I know I will be taking advantage of this. Don't forget to call your mom.

May 5, 2007

Ghettopod ...

I love my first generation iPod Mini. It looks nice. It is sturdy. I know, because I drop it once, accidentally of course. While there are better iPods out there, I am not ready to trade it in yet. That is what makes this story even sadder.

My iPod has not been able to hold its full charge. I tried the resetting trick via holding Menu and center button together to no avail. I finally decided to replace the iPod's battery after months of getting frustrated with the iPod as it stopped working prematurely or at inopportune times.

I found a great little deal on Amazon who resold battery for about $13. Yes! It came with tools to take apart the iPod. I read the direction that came with the iPod battery replacement kit. There were several warnings. I started getting that bad feeling, when one realizes a possible bad decision. What the heck! I do not want to spend a fortune getting a professional to change a battery when I could easily get another iPod for a little more money.

I was able to disassemble and replace the battery. Putting them together neatly is much harder. The top and bottom plastic cover parts would not fit neatly or stay put. Now I have an iPod with pieces of ducktape on it. Yuck. It works well, so I guess I am stuck with this ghettopod until I decide to get a new iPod.