Jun 15, 2007

Rear projection TV's dirty little secret ...

I bought my parents a well-reviewed LCoS HDTV from Philips about three years ago. Considering its age, I am still pretty happy with how it is working for my parents. When I was recently visiting them, the TV would not turn on. After looking through manuals, I confirmed the TV needed a new projection lamp. I took the lamp out and looked at it. It looked like an outdoor flood light. I mean how expensive can it be. There also must be generic knockoffs.

Well, it turns out Philips wanted to charge $330!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What! I balked at the notion. I looked around on line and found just the lamp replacement, which obviously did not include a casing, for about $200. I was reluctant, but what could I do. I don't want an expensive TV not working due to one expensive part. The TV is working now, and things are back to normal at my parents' house.

Let this be a lesson to you potential TV buyers. Buy plasmas or LCD's if you do not want to keep spending money on expensive consumable lamps.

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