Jan 27, 2006

I am learning to video-log ...

This is the first home-made movie by moi. Enjoy it! Click here to view the above video.

Jan 19, 2006

Felt like old shoes ...

I started substituting last week. I forgot how physical teaching can be. Standing and walking around constantly made me awfully tired. I guess I am not one of those teachers that sit for long. It is weird how I felt as I taught students. I guess the very best way would be to say, "felt like old shoes." Students all seemed so good. When they are not your students for a whole year and don't have to worry about test scores, it feels very different. You know, less stressful. I can definitely see myself teaching again, but who really knows for sure.

It is so strange and disturbing to me that I still do not have any brilliant idea about what I want to do for a living. As I ponder, I am reminded of the father character from "A River Runs Through It." He asked his son what is his plan for a profession, a CALLING. I very much sympathize with the son when he hesitated to give an answer. When the father pressed with a sharp question, "you went to college to be sure?" I cannot help but wonder if my college education has done me well to advance my aspiration for a worthwhile career.

As I write this non-sensical gibberish as the latest entry into my blog, I feel like it is an outlet for me to write and think out loud a bit. In the long run, I hope it will help me make right decisions.

Beer Update
Export Helles is still in secondary fermentation. It is weird how it is still bubbling at regular intervals. Hmmm. I hope to bottle soon. Maybe a specific gravity measurement is in order.

Movie Recommendations
I just watched two very mediocre films called "Ong Bak, Thai Warrior" and "unleashed." They both have good martial arts/fighting action scenes, which would made me like it in the past. I am getting too old for this type of movies where the strongest elements are just actions. It has to be pretty darn good actions for me to like a whole film based on them. I do not recommend them on that bases, and lament the fact that I am getting sooooooooo ooooooolllllldddddd!!!!!

Jan 9, 2006

Never felt more like a home-maker ...

So I have been meaning to check out the photo exhibit called "Keeping the Shadows" at Phoenix Art Museum. I decided to go last Thursday, because Thursdays are free except for certain big time exhibits. I was lucky the photo exhibit was not one of those big time exhibits. As I walked around checking out the exhibit, I could not help but notice that a half of visitors was home-makers. It seemed like that at least. All the home-makers either brought their kids or met their friends for lunch. I felt like one of them, because I was out and about in the morning instead of later in the day.

I notice another kind of visitors. There was a young lesbian couple. For me to notice this, they had to be very obvious as I am not the most keen or sensitive to noticing gay or lesbian couples. The couple identified themselves when they kissed in public. Cool! It is funny how one of them always seems more feminine.

The photo exhibit was a tad small, but choice. I mean it was inspiring. I found some inspirations, which is a good thing. I need to look at more exellent photos for inspirations. I also went to my favorite exhibit, Miniture Rooms. There were many little kids looking at the exhibit, so I left after just glancing.

Random Shot
Why is life so hard? I mean in general. I need to figure something out!!!

Beer Update
Export Helles is in secondary/lagering stage. I think it will be bottled in a couple of weeks.

Movie Recommendations
I saw a couple of great flicks. I thought "Wedding Crashers" was a great fun movie. Vince Vaughn was out of sight funny espcially when he goes off on one of those monologue like scenes. I highly recommend this movie for no thinking just shallow fun, which everyone needs.

I also liked "Broken Flowers" with Bill Murray. It is a kind of movie provide neither a comprehensible plot nor a sensible ending. It is very unconventional, but all characters are very unique and compelling. I mean one of the characters is named Lolita!!!!

Jan 2, 2006

New year is here...

New year's eve was a busy day for me. Once again parents got a cater gig from Fiesta Bowl. I went early to help with preparing about two hundred forty bag lunches for the Notre Dame Marching Band. I was at the end of the assembly line stuffing each bag with a cookie, a bag of chips, and condiments. I have never felt more like Lucy Ricardo. You know, the chocolate factory scene. I drove with dad to the end of Fiesta Bowl Parade and made the delivery at noon. It was a pain, but Fiesta Bowl gig is almost a yearly tradition now.

I came home and took a small break. You know, watch a little football and kick back. I checked my messages and suddenly I had a dinner plan. Tonight, I am going to Sinziana's for dinner, Pam's for East Coast New Year's, and Esteban's for Mountain Time New Year's. A full plate, I must say.

I had a quick dinner with Sinziana, Jennifer, Dhumal, and Mark. Ham, turkey, and salad was great. I was not so thrilled about Ecudorean stuffing. Sinziana was disappointed with my lack of enthusiasm unfortunately. I need to work on a fake enthused look.

I was a little late for Pam's, but this what happens when there are multiple events. We had a pleasant time talking about this and that. I am not using pleasant as a euphemism for a dull time. I can tell it was a little dissapointing for Pam, because turn out was low. I guess we cannot help babies getting sick or inavailability of baby-sitters. Oh, well. I still refused to celebrate New year's with a brunch. The best part of the evening was the well prepared celebration with noise makers, streamer poppers, and champagne. Hope Pam keeps the tradition alive.

I then had to go over to casa de Espania, where twelve grapes were waiting. I was told I would be eating twelve grapes. One grape at each ring of a bell at midnight. When I arrived, there were a loud music from inside. They seemed to be partying hard already. Leave it to South Americans and Europeans to show how dull Americans are!

They were dancing to music in Spanish. This means I have no idea what they are saying. No habla Espanol! Of course, this meant those dancing always tries to get others dancing. Sinziana managed to show some of us Merengue. I guess watching "Mad Hot Ballroom" helped? We ate twelve grapes each at midnight for good luck. Within twenty four seconds. It was mad fun.

Did I mention the hostess, Maribel, had her parents there? They out parties younger folks. I mean out drink, out dance, and just plain more fun! How embarrassing!!!!

Note to self: Learning Spanish would be a good thing.

High School Reunion
Karen was in town scouting out a wedding location with her fiance, Chris. I hope I spelled that correctly. Here is a picture of the good looking couple.
Garrick and Ian: This is the fiance!

Beer Update
I just transferred the Export Helles to secondary fermentation vessel with oak chips. Hoping for the best. Mm helles!

Movie Recommendations
I am recommending more than one movie this time. First is "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." I mean what is not to like about two good looking people having a little spat. Brad and Angelina banter with great fun. It is a great popcorn flick.

Second is "Millions." It is a little hard to follow what with British accent and all. Once you get used to or just use subtitle (which I like to do), the story is about a sweet and day-dreamy lad (watch out for my choice vocab). It is a little too sweet and a little strange, but I was touched none the less. Would you give money to the poor?