Apr 30, 2007

What happens in Vegas ...

I just came back yesterday from Vegas after a quick excursion. A friend of friend, Matt, is getting married in two weeks, and any excuse to be at a bachelor party, especially in Vegas, is okay with me.

Only things I can diverge are where we stayed, Plaza Hotel, and where we ate dinner, Hofbrauhaus. Anything more than that would be against our man code. We all are sticking to Matt had a good time story.

The best part of the trip from the details I can reveal is Hofbrauhaus. The restaurant was very loud with German live band music, served authentic German beers, and meals were not bad either. I enjoyed veal bratwurst with Maibock.

Apr 28, 2007

Save the date magnet ...

Jim, a dear and long-time friend from college, is finally tying the knot this fall. He recently asked everyone for addresses. I figured an invitation was on their way. Well, I guessed wrong. It is too early for that. Leave it to a guy to guess wrong procedural event about a wedding.

What I received in the mail was quite surprising. It was a magnet. A magnet! It stated information about the wedding date and wedding website. Wow. I am blown away. It is so cool. Check out their wedding website.

Apr 19, 2007

Let's reduce CO2 emission ...

I am still lamenting and thinking about how I am not a steward of our environment like I thought I should be. My air of superiority disappeared once I figured out how much global warming gas (CO2) I personally am responsible.

Here is one way we can all produce less CO2! Home Depot is giving away 1,000,000 compact florescent light bulbs this Sunday. Home Depot wants to reduce CO2 emissions by 196 million pounds. Good for them! Go get one everyone.

Apr 15, 2007

Funny videos ...

My sister sent me this link, which is a video starring Will Farrell. It is hilarious. Check it!

You must check out Alanis Morissette's rendition of My Hump. It is awesomely funny!

Apr 14, 2007

A snake episode ...

or as I like to call it, There is a mofo snake in my mofo house! This is a follow up to Help, I am boxed in ...

Here is the complete story. When I got tired around 11 pm three nights ago, I started walking to my bedroom from my computer room. As I got near the hallway door, I suddenly noticed a huge light brown rope like object. I instantly recognized it, a huge snake! I almost walked right into it as the snake has similar color to my carpeting. Counting my stars as I type this.

I looked around the computer room, but I did not see anything that could help me with this situation. Mental note: get some snake removing tools. I decided to throw my shirt on top of the snake. Distract it long enough to get out of the computer room. I did not like the idea of being stuck in the room. Throwing my shirt proved in vain. The snake is way too quick and the shirt not big enough. Shoot!

I decided to wait it out a little as I am pretty sure the snake was also afraid of me. I decided to check on the internet if the snake is venomous. It is a long yellow snake with dark brown patterns. I was pretty sure it is not a rattle snake, but I was a little concerned. Using the pattern, head shape and tail, I determined that the snake is a gopher snake. I am not 1,000% sure, but pretty close to it.

I also looked up how to capture a snake as well as what professionals could help me. You know, who can I call. I did not think a non poisonous snake warranted a 911 call. I completely forgot about calling fire department. I decided against grabbing behind the snake's head. Even if it is not poisonous, it is wild and could bite out of fear. I decided to somehow get it in a trashcan and put a lid on it.

When I finally decided on what to do, the snake retreated enough for me to leave the room. I grabbed a broom and a blue trashcan, and worked on getting the snake in the trashcan. Well, that did not work so well. It did not want to go in the trashcan. Instead, it retreated into another room. After trying for while longer, I gave up on the idea of getting the snake in the trashcan.

I decided to steer the snake out the door using two broom sticks. I closed all the room doors and started poking the snake a little here and a little there. It did not always move in the direction I wanted to, but I was able to get the snake moving in the right direction. When the snake got real agitated, it recoiled and hissed and lunged at the sticks. I would rest and let the snake calm down. We would do this awkward dance until the snake finally left my house.

Wow, what eventful night!

Apr 11, 2007

Help, I am boxed in ...

I felt tired around eleven at night while perusing internet tonight. I got up to go to my bedroom when I nearly had a heart attack. I saw a huge gopher snake, at least I believe it is. If the snake is a gopher snake, then it
is not venomous. Thank God!

I looked around to see if there is anyway for me to not harm the snake and especially me while returning the snake to its habitat. Of course, my computer room is completely devoid of any snake removal tools.

I think I need to throw my shirt over its head and jump over it. Look for an over-sized box to capture it. Wish me luck!!!!

Apr 7, 2007

Pat's Run 2007 ...

I have not done a road race since I finished Las Vegas Marathon in 2004. Wow, I cannot believe it has been three years. There are always many good races out there for me to do, but I do not have the running fitness to do them. I guess I need to run more regularly.

I decided to do Pat's Run 2007, because I want to show my respect to Pat Tillman. I am humbled by Pat's decision to serve our country even if I think it was a wrong decision. Pat Tillman paid the ultimate price for his sense of duty, because our leaders let him down making poor decisions.

I did not preregister for the Pat's Run. Usually I don't run races that I do not preregister as I like to train for each race, but I have not been able to plan anything in advance lately. I drove to Sun Devil Stadium early so I could register. After I got there around six thirty in the morning, I walked with many early arrivals to main race area, where I registered rather quickly and easily.

It was very nice to see so many people, who came out to remember Pat Tillman. I think the announcer stated that there were more than 12,000 people in attendance. The race itself was a pretty quick 4.2 mile loop. I ran harder than I should have, but I had a good time. Now, I can proudly wear Pat's Run shirt. I hate wearing a shirt prior to finishing the race.

Here is my result.
  • Overall 1515/9461
  • Age Division 22/92
  • Male Group 1219/5343
  • Pace 8:28 per mile
  • Time 35:34

Apr 3, 2007

Universal Remote?

I like to believe that I am not very materialistic, but it seems inescapable. Having been brought up in Eastern culture in my early upbringing and my environmental sensibility, I really hope I am not materialistic. What makes me think about this rubbish? I just bought one expensive remote to replace more than four remotes.

It is called Harmony 880 by Logitech. It is a smart universal remote. Most universal remotes acts like several remotes that must be changed back and forth like pushing a TV button to act like a TV remote and a VCR button to act like a VCR remote. Harmony can do that, but its strength is to configure itself as a remote around different activities. I have it configured to watch TV, watch DVD, watch Apple TV, listen to Radio, and listen to CD. All I have to do is push one button to do each event and only the essential buttons from various remotes are available. Sure there are more expensive remotes that can be programmed to launch a rocket, but they are really complicated and twice as expensive.

I am very happy now that I don't have to fumble with two or three remotes to work my TV, AV receiver, DVD, and Apple TV. YES!