Feb 28, 2007

Websites to DNA?

I was watching Rocketboom again as usual, and found this gem, Web2DNA. Like the company that turns human DNA into arts, Web2DNA reads your website codes and turns them into DNA like pictures. COOL!

My homepage: http://members.cox.net/jnchang looks like

Feb 27, 2007

The most expensive things in PHX ...

I was reading March 2007 issue of Phoenix magazine, when a list of the most expensive things in Phoenix caught my eyes. There are things I would not buy even if I had enough money. They are the likes of $751,000 pool, or $1.4 mil RV, or $110 per pound coffee (laden with gold flakes).

Of the ones I could afford and might even want to spend the money on was $9 Dogfish Head's World Wide Stout (only 12 oz). There are specially made beers that comes out on occasions that are more expensive, but the Dogfish one is available around all year. At least that is what the magazine said.

I am a part of the global warming problem ...

I have not had a chance to watch "An Inconvenient Truth," the Academy Award winning documentary about global warming. It does not mean I am somehow ignorant of our warming trend. I mean, I do live in Arizona, where it is hot most of the time. I think most Americans are becoming aware of the problem especially after Katrina disaster.

It pained me to find out I contribute more than an average American to CO2 emission, which is the cause for global warming. Apparently, I am responsible for approximately 10 tons every year, but other Americans only contribute only 7.5 tons every year. My direct contribution comes from driving a small sporty car only modest 10,000 miles per year and using electricity in my house. I suppose I can take bus to work and live with more people in my house. This should drastically bring down my contribution to global warming. I have to seriously reconsider my environmental philosophy. It does not help my self esteem when I pride myself in living environmentally sound ways.

Found out your carbon footprint information here.

Feb 24, 2007

Hot or Not?

Do you remember a website called, "Hot or Not," where people could post their pictures and get rated? How narcissistic? I posted a photo of myself about three or four years ago. Well, I occasionally get a reminder from Hot or Not to check out other people's photo and rate them.

While I was perusing the site, I saw a little interesting feature I did not notice before called "Scoreboard." This feature lets you and your friends compete for a better score. I think some of you readers (if I know you or not) should be on my scoreboard. I think it would be fun. Check out my scoreboard at http://scoreboards.hotornot.com/goinggoinggoing.

p.s. I think statistically speaking, Hot or Not's rating is pretty close to what public thinks of you if there are enough people rating you. I am ranked 5.6 from 451 votes after statistical magic removes bias. Apparently, this means I am better looking than 51% of the posted pictures. I just broke through the bottom half.

Feb 22, 2007

Do you have $500 to spare?

Lego is coming out with a $500 Millennium Falcon. It is nearly three feet long. I am a big Star Wars and Lego fan, but $500? I don't think I can get one although if I saw one in person I may want one without hesitation. There are other expensive Lego sets, but I think this one tops them all.

Feb 18, 2007

Messy cake eater ...

One year olds are messy cake eaters. Wow! They really go to town. I guess I ate my cakes with such eagerness and fervor when I was one. Happy Birthday, Ben!

If you want pictures, then you click here. They are available for a short time until I delete them.

Ring, ring. You are the 1,000th visitor ...

I have been tracking visits and views since April of 2006. I just had the 1,000th visitor. Yes! If I had to bet on it, I would've said it would been one of the three loyal readers. It turns out it is a complete stranger. He or she viewed from Singapore of all place. Only glanced at my blog as the view time was zero sec. Still uses Internet Explorer 6. Oh, no. Is a Windows user. Double oh, no. Who ever that is, my gratitude goes out!

Help me improve ...

my blog that is. I am thinking about presenting my future videos embedded. What does that mean? It means you don't have to leave this webpage to look at my videos. What do you think?

Feb 17, 2007

Free wireless router ...

I have this free wireless (802.11g) router from Fon, which I cannot use. Or I could not figure out how to use. I guess I did not want to use it badly enough. I want this router to go to someone who will use to further the cause of free/cheap wireless internet access to the masses. I copied their logo which explains their mantra! Let me know if you want the router.

p.s. I personally leave my home network open so others can use a free internet access.

Feb 16, 2007

I want to pillow fight in public ...

My little sister sent me an e-mail about a public pillow fight in San Francisco. According to this e-mail, she had a blast. What a great idea! I like to whack some people with soft pillows. Here is a link to some photos.

Feb 14, 2007

Go Vote Now ...

The above photo is taken by Nick Parnell. He is a younger brother to a good friend, Josh. I got to know Nick when we hiked in and out of Grand Canyon. Apparently, he entered this photo into a contest to get published. If you don't mind register at a photo website and like the above picture, then do us a favor and go vote. Click here to vote.

Feb 13, 2007

Plugging ...

Mark and Sinziana, friends of mine, started blogging. I think it is mostly Mark, but Sinziana might blog occasionally. Since I believe in blogging, I am promoting it. Check it out at marksinzi.blogspot.com!

Feb 11, 2007

Broken resolutions...

Well, so much for new year's resolutions. I've broken all of them I think. Let me check.

Broken Resolution: Check voice mails and return calls. This one is broken in a big way. I just checked my voice mails yesterday. There were twenty six voice mails! Some of them were left three weeks earlier. One of them said, "If this is an emergency, press pound!" It was pretty funny in a non humorous way. I returned this person's call, but I still need to call a few more. Including my mother, whose voice seemed to contain a slight anger. Uh-oh.

Broken Resolution: Run more often. I am not running more often. In fact, I've managed to run about once a week. That's weak! I was hoping to run four to five times a week. I am getting soft.

Broken Resolution: See little brother more often. I have not done this either. Darn!

Broken Resolution: Keep house more tidy. This house is just as messy as last year. Hmm.

Broken Resolution: Blog more often. Well, I am not blogging less, but I have not posted during the last three weeks. I got to post regularly.

I am not doing well in the keeping resolutions department, but it is not too late to start keeping the resolutions. I hope.

Big APOLOGY to my loyal readers
I got a couple of scolding e-mails. Where are you? Are you dead? And other dire questions about my well being. Thank you for your concern! I've been away from my computer for sometime when I went away to Prescott to act as an adviser for an Anytown Camp from 1/31 - 2/4. It was a physically and emotionally draining experience. I am glad I did it and a better person for having done it. Last week was a blur as I just went to work and slept. I am better now and I am going to post a little more often.