Jul 29, 2008

Another new born ...

A good friend from college, Dennis K, had a boy recently. Congrats to the new parents and welcome Jeremy! Now comes a shortage of sleep. At least that is what I hear.

Afro-ninja rules ...

I just read on Wired.com about this guy making a series or something. Whatever. I still think this stuntman audition is hilarious. Enjoy.

Jul 27, 2008

What does my little MX-5 mpg get?

After taking a trip to Durango, CO, I figured the best possible mile per gallon for my little vehicle, Mazda MX-5. I normally can get about 31 miles per gallon driving around town. I could not believe how much more I got driving on highways. I got a whopping 41.92 mpg driving down from Durango back to Phoenix. It is about 33% more!!!! I guess when you drive at a constant speed, windows up, and not stopping and going makes all the difference.

Jul 20, 2008

Day 0: Drive to Fort Lewis College

July 20, 2008

I woke up early which I did not really plan. It worked out well because I finished packing and went for an hour of running. I no longer have to worry about skipping a workout. I left home after giving my dog a treat in her Kong. She did not even say good bye.

Traffic on the road was light. There were few rainy spots along the way to Flagstaff. I did not fuel up in Flagstaff and soon I regretted. I thought there would not be a place to fuel up before I ran out, but I still found a place to fuel up way before I ran out. Thank goodness.

I pretty much drove straight through Arizona. I thought there are places I need to come back and see. I don't mean Four Corners. It is a lousy landmark that deserves one viewing at best, which I already partook.

I stopped at Cortez, CO for a late lunch before arriving at Durango. Finding where my housing is once I got in Fort Lewis College was a nightmare. I got lost a couple of times. I did not know where the registration was. After a brief complication, I got settled in. Check out the beautiful location. Taking care of a worse than normal headache. I guess something to do with high altitude. I spoke with Kelly. She just moved to Farmington, NM, which is very close to where I am. Hopefully I can spent a little time with her while I am here this week. I am looking forward to this week. Did I mention it is cold and raining right now? YEAH!

Jul 15, 2008

Summer workout update ...

I have been keeping up with my exercise goals. I am either running 5.5 miles or more 4 days and climbing Piestewa Peak 2 days each week on average. I am not losing weight rapidly, but ultimately that is not the most important goal. I SUPPOSE. I've so far piled up 150 miles of running and 14,910 feet of climbing this summer. I am okay with these number. I am at least being active.

Thank goodness for technology ...

I am going to list technology/gadgets making my life more livable of late.
  1. At the top of the list is A/C. I was without A/C for agonizing three days. After the repair man changed out a broken compressor, I now have A/C. Phoenix seems livable. YEAH!!!!!
  2. iPhone firmware v. 2. My old iPhone is new again. I put on several iPhone apps. I have not regretted getting my iPhone ever. I still wish the monthly bill was bit less.
  3. Wii Fit. I am getting back to doing yoga poses. I am so not flexible, which hurts my running. I am also more aware of my BMI and weight. Wii Fit tells me "THAT'S OVER WEIGHT!"
One thing I don't believe in when acquiring technology/gadget or any other stuff in general. I should not have to wait and must not be told they are out when waiting in line. Look at the fools below trying to get iPhone 3G.

Jul 13, 2008

One hellish week ...

This week was one I do not want to repeat. Ever! First and foremost, I had to retake Physics teacher test yesterday, because I scored 237 out of 300 where passing score is 240. I was already in a foul mood because I was preparing for this stupid test, which I almost passed already. I had to also pay 107 dollars to go through this again. 107 DOLLARS!

I received a phone call early in the morning just last Wednesday from dad saying grandmother is sick. He asked that I come over to their house and stay with grandmother. When I got there, it was obvious she was in a bad shape. she was vomiting and feeling dizzy. I was not sure if this was very serious. In short amount of time, I decided grandmother needed to see a doctor. I just took her to an urgent care since seeing her doctor would've taken much longer.

One look at my grandmother was enough for the physician's assistant to call an ambulance. I guess this is why I am not a trained medical professional. We ended up at Arrowhead Emergency Room. She was hooked up to an IV, probed and examined. What I really hate is sometimes doctors do not know what is wrong with patients! CAT scan, blood works, etc. revealed no probable cause for nausea and dizziness. I stayed with grandmother until my mother came to take over in the evening after work.

When I came back to the hospital to be with grandmother next day, she was sleeping more and looked much more at peace. Thank God. I hate to see her in pain. She regained her appetite, which was a relief as she did not eat last couple of days. The doctor in charge of grandmother could not find anything wrong except to hypothesize that may be the middle ear is causing the problems. I don't necessarily disagree, but I am very skeptical. Grandmother was discharged that evening. Yeah!!!!

On the happy note, I am done with my professional obligation for the summer. I am done with 3 week Physics method class and teacher test. I cannot wait for homebrewing school to start in a week and get away from this heat. OH YEAH, DID I MENTION MY AC IS NOT WORKING!!!!! THIS WEEK SUCKS!

Jul 8, 2008

You are what you eat ...

I am recommending a documentary called King Corn for any American. It turns out we as Americans consume a type of inedible corn mostly subconsciously. We mostly consume corn in the forms of meats as livestocks are fed corn, as sweetener in drinks (corn syrup), and as processed corn in cereals and other grain products. I am horrified at the amount of corn I eat and the fact that the corn I consume do not have much nutritional value.

Check out King Corn and learn about how corn is grown, processed and consumed in America.

Jul 5, 2008

Star Wars characters dancing?

I had no idea there were videos of Star Wars characters dancing. I enjoyed looking at these. Hope you do too!