Jan 23, 2007

Do I look fat?

I was reading CNN online and I found a link to Body Mass Index. CNN dared me to find out my BMI. I took the bait and use its BMI app. If your BMI is between 25 and 30, then you are overweight. If you BMI is more than 30, you are obese.

I've done this before and I was not overweight by just a little. Well, I am not so lucky this time. I am a little taller than 5'6" and 160 lb. That makes my BMI 25.8. I guess I could lose about five pounds to get to 25.

There are some controversy over BMI being too lean. I think so too. I think healthy weight for me would be between 113 and 155 lbs. 113 is nearly impossible for me. I guess I have a big hip.

Do you dare to find out your BMI? Here is a BMI calculator!

Jan 21, 2007

I am all in ...

I don't know when, but I started to really enjoy playing and watching Texas Hold'em. Lately, I started watching a TV program called, "Poker After Dark," on NBC. It comes on late or early, depends on how you tell time, six days a week. One week long competition pits six champions against each other and only one winner takes the pot! It does not hurt that there is a pretty girl interviewing the players. I am learning as I watch them playing poker. I already learned that I need to fold more often.

Jan 15, 2007

MLK day ...

Dr. King is and always has been one of my heroes. I am always grateful for civil rights he fought for us in peaceful ways. I know we came a long way in the areas of civil rights and social justice, but we still have so much to go. One need not look farther than the way US government's botched the rescue efforts of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. I am inspired by Dr. King's words and deeds. Thank you, Dr. King.

Jan 13, 2007

Ultimate fantasy woman?

I found this picture while reading Wired News. An artist named, R. Luke Dubois, morphed all the Playboy Playmates since its inception. I guess this then should be the ultimate playmate! Or at least Hef's ultimate. I would have guess she would be a blonde.

Jan 9, 2007

To hang or not to hang ...

I watched a Jeanne Moos (of CNN) piece on people's guilt about watching Saddam Hussein being hung. Normally, her pieces are fluffs and very humorous. This time she asked people if they saw the video and if they felt any guilt for watching. I have to confess I did watch CNN's internet broadcast of the hanging. The video was edited so I was spared the gruesome ending. I do feel bad about it as I did not feel hanging or way he was treated while being hung was humane. I guess I am against capital punishment.

Apparently, one can freely watch the whole hanging video via internet if you want to. Personally, no thank you.

Apple continues to bleed my bank account ...

Apple just announced more gadgets for me to purchase. I am not complaining. Well just a little. It looks like I am going to be purchasing Apple TV, Airport Extreme Base Station, and iPhone. This is literally going to cost me an arm and a leg. Okay, maybe not literally. However, they are going to cost me a bundle. This does not include the new Mac I will be getting sometime this year.

Apple TV: I am very excited. I can stream wirelessly movies, tv shows, music, podcasts, and pictures to a HDTV. This is around $300. I am hoping my friend's discount will cost me about $25 less. This brings me to a HDTV that I don't have. I guess I am getting one. Additional $1000 minimum! Ouch!!

New Airport Extreme Base Station: My old Airport from Apple works great, but I will need a new one to work with all the video streaming. Yes! This will set me back another $160. Not so bad I guess.

iPhone: I have been denying all my friends and family members a convenient way to reach me. This is due to my refusal to get a cell phone. I guess they just have to wait until this June when this beauty comes out. It does so much. I hope the plan does not cost me too much. I am willing to pay $500 for the phone.

From what I can tell, I am spending around $1500 next two months as the new devices will not ship until the end of February.

Jan 3, 2007

Cow power rocks ...

Native American used Buffalo dungs for heating and cooking. I learned this early on from a history class. I guess I should have known people would think of ways to harness energy from cow chips. I just saw Amanda Congdon's piece on a family farm that uses their cows' poop to generate enough power to light 400 houses. Since I know a little about wastewater plants, it was easy for me to follow how the waste are collected in a digester and the waste gas from it are burned for energy generation. I am so impressed and laud those who are using waste stream and converting them for useful purpose.

Here are a couple of links to the story, Amanda Congdon piece and a news article.

Jan 2, 2007

Happy New Year ...

Happy New Year to all you five regular readers!

I am not sure I can keep up blogging as much once I go back to work next week. I sure hope to keep blogging more this year. I somehow made an unwitting resolution #1. I am also going to make some more resolutions I may not keep this year like trying to run more this year (resolution #2), keep house more tidy (resolution #3), check voice mails and call back (resolution #4), and see my Little more often (resolution #5).

My new electronic purchases are delayed.
I am waiting on Apple to make new announcements next week, which will determine my next computer/gadget purchases. I want to get their next wireless video streaming router or iTV. I would like a new computer as I find many of the things I do on this nearly five year old iMac G4 to be quite slow. New Mac OS X, Leopard, is coming out soon as well. Am I an Apple fan? I think the answer is obvious.

I also decided to wait until the next Super Bowl is over to buy my next television set. I have my mind set on getting a LCD HD set with a minimum of 40 inches. Apparently, the lowest prices can be had after the Consumer Electronics Show, where the new models are introduced, and after the Super Bowl.