This week was one I do not want to repeat. Ever! First and foremost, I had to retake Physics teacher test yesterday, because I scored 237 out of 300 where passing score is 240. I was already in a foul mood because I was preparing for this stupid test, which I almost passed already. I had to also pay 107 dollars to go through this again. 107 DOLLARS!
I received a phone call early in the morning just last Wednesday from dad saying grandmother is sick. He asked that I come over to their house and stay with grandmother. When I got there, it was obvious she was in a bad shape. she was vomiting and feeling dizzy. I was not sure if this was very serious. In short amount of time, I decided grandmother needed to see a doctor. I just took her to an urgent care since seeing her doctor would've taken much longer.
One look at my grandmother was enough for the physician's assistant to call an ambulance. I guess this is why I am not a trained medical professional. We ended up at Arrowhead Emergency Room. She was hooked up to an IV, probed and examined. What I really hate is sometimes doctors do not know what is wrong with patients! CAT scan, blood works, etc. revealed no probable cause for nausea and dizziness. I stayed with grandmother until my mother came to take over in the evening after work.

When I came back to the hospital to be with grandmother next day, she was sleeping more and looked much more at peace. Thank God. I hate to see her in pain. She regained her appetite, which was a relief as she did not eat last couple of days. The doctor in charge of grandmother could not find anything wrong except to hypothesize that may be the middle ear is causing the problems. I don't necessarily disagree, but I am very skeptical. Grandmother was discharged that evening. Yeah!!!!
On the happy note, I am done with my professional obligation for the summer. I am done with 3 week Physics method class and teacher test. I cannot wait for homebrewing school to start in a week and get away from this heat. OH YEAH, DID I MENTION MY AC IS NOT WORKING!!!!! THIS WEEK SUCKS!