Aug 5, 2005

Allow me to explain.

I got tired of maintaining three separate blogs and asking people to read them. I decided to combine my blogging efforts about homebrewing, movie recommendation, and complaining all into one. I am going to write at least once a week, I hope. So here is my new blog.

Homebrewing: I am planning to brew a Belgian beer called "Saison" next. It should happen within a couple of weeks. I am pretty excited about this beer as it is quite different than other English or German beer. The last beer was bottled about a month ago, which was a California Common type. You know, like an Anchor Steam.

Movie Recommendation: I am highly recommending a Norwegian movie called "Slim Susie." It is a great movie that has quirky characters, interesting twists, musical interjections, and a great story. It has violence, sex, and vomitting, so be aware.

Complaining: Miami is not a good place for a visit during August. It was quite muggy. I mean people has glow about them, but it turns out they are all sweating.

Thanks for reading.

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