Nov 3, 2006

One Bad Week ...

My apology goes out to my three loyal readers, who probably wondered where the heck are the new posts. I had an acute food poisoning that practically kept me close to my personal porcelain god. I am not sure what I ate, but starting last Monday night I was vomiting, very slight temperature elevation, frequent #2, felt cramping in my stomach, and was very gaseous. I felt much better by Wednesday, and made the mistake of eating solid food. Wow, that was not a good night either, minus vomiting. Thankfully, I am much better this morning. I had solid food last night without any ill-effects.

Chinese Connection

I had a ghost from the past drop in for a visit last week. His name is Dennis. He is a good friend from college days. He went to China as a missionary more than five years ago. I guess Dennis wants more Chinese people to accept Jesus as their personal savior. Personally, I am not sure how I feel about this.

Dennis got married about four years ago to a lady named Grace. She also is into evangelizing. I guess this would make it a family business.

Dennis and Grace are now in US and will attend a seminary in Denver, CO soon. I thought this meant they will be ministers, but they are doing it for their faith. WOW!!!!

On their way up to Denver from Tucson, where Dennis' parents live, they stayed at my place a night. It was nice to see Dennis after many moons. We got along pretty well although I am pretty much agnostic about religion.

His wife, Grace, was very good at speaking English. I was very impressed. In addition, she is fluent Japanese speaker. Doubly impressed. (Side note: I should have asked about how most Chinese people do not like Japanese people per WWII occupation.)

We went out to a Cajun place for dinner. Weather was nice so we dined al fresco. It was a good time.

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