I have this free wireless (802.11g) router from Fon, which I cannot use. Or I could not figure out how to use. I guess I did not want to use it badly enough. I want this router to go to someone who will use to further the cause of free/cheap wireless internet access to the masses. I copied their logo which explains their mantra! Let me know if you want the router.
p.s. I personally leave my home network open so others can use a free internet access.
p.s. I personally leave my home network open so others can use a free internet access.
Hey Jae,
We might be able to use the router. Is it (sic) PC compatible? Sinzi has a wireless card on her work laptop as do I when I sneak my work laptop out.
This router is yours, marksinzi. It broadcasts two wireless networks. One for your private use and one for a public Fon network.
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