Jul 15, 2008

Summer workout update ...

I have been keeping up with my exercise goals. I am either running 5.5 miles or more 4 days and climbing Piestewa Peak 2 days each week on average. I am not losing weight rapidly, but ultimately that is not the most important goal. I SUPPOSE. I've so far piled up 150 miles of running and 14,910 feet of climbing this summer. I am okay with these number. I am at least being active.


all in a day said...

At least you're doing your goals, not just thinking about it like I am doing right now.

in my mind, i ran a few marathons, trained for tour de france and won it. :)

Gina said...

I think that's great Jae. I've learned how to make a perfect snake out of play doh this summer. Are you impressed? Yeah, I didn't think so. :o)