I drove to Colby's house Thursday evening in order to drive up together. Colby and Amy, his wife, were putting their kids to sleep. You know, giving a bath, brushing teeth, reading a story, etc. There were many Moments, which I tried to capture on my camcorder.
By the time we were able to leave, it was a little past eight. We drove to Josh's and picked him up. We stopped at a Circle K to air up a couple of tires on Colby's trailer. While Colby was working, I bought a package of SnowBall and a package of Chilli Cheese Fritos. Two of my favorites from college. We ate, drank, and talked all the way up to Sedona. I thought the trip was shorter than I remember.
I fell asleep once we got into the town of Sedona. I don't know what happened, but massive fatigue set in. I woke up to rattling truck. It turned out Colby and Josh were trying to park the trailer by driving back and forth. I still could not get up and help them set up. All I remember is laying down a sheet of tarp and putting my sleepingbag on top before crashing. I slept outside under the stars. It was a bit windy and cold. I occasionally woke up to admire the complete darkness and bright stars, which I don't get to enjoy in Phoenix.
I woke up a little earlier than the other two. It was a little chilly because it was breezy. I took care of my morning business first, and walked around a little to waste sometime. I did not want to prematurely wake the boys up. When the others woke, we were ready for breakfast. We ate mini donuts, bagels, and bacon. Mm, BACON!!!
Colby called Mark, his bro-in-law, after breakfast to see what work we were going to do today. Lucky for us, he was working on his house in the morning. We decided to take a stroll around his property. We shared stories, joked around, and just being silly and goofy. I took pictures and video footages for fun.
Soon it was lunch time. We ate Carolina style pork sandwich. Mm, PORK! After lunch, Josh drove the backhoe to Mark's. We did some yardwork for Mark before heading back to Phoenix.
It was a nice lazy FRIDAY!
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