Mar 24, 2006

Near Death Experience ...

Wow! I had one of those near accidents that scared the $h!t out of me. I was driving to my sub assignment this morning when it happened. I was driving north on Thunderbird near 7th Street. I noticed on the right a boat like car, a Caddie I think, was waiting to make a left. I did not anticipate it coming right out, because the street was busy. Well, I guess one never knows what the other is seeing or thinking. I swerve to the right to miss the Caddie, and the Caddie stopped just enough to avoid sideswiping me. I really hate to think what might've happen to me. Thank the lucky star, nothing happened.

Random Shots
I was called upon to serve my civic duty last Monday. You know, jury duty. Well, I was dismissed from the morning assembly, and then the afternoon. Shoot, I was kind of looking forward to serving as a jury. Does that sound very counter to popular sentimental?

Beer Update
My two beer entries received enough points to score a silver (saison) and a bronze (helles). I am hoping to score a gold one of these days.

Movie Recommendation
I am highly recommending a movie called, "Corpse Bride." Tim Burton's stop motion picture is short and sweet. It is delightfully dark and quirky. It is about a nervous groom accidently marrying a dead bride.

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