Better Fortune Cookies
It used to be fortunes inside cookies were philosophical and not telling of the future. You know, you are a winner, you are good looking, or such. I am happy to say fortunes I have been reading recently are much improved. Here is an example from yesterday, which read "Great Day Ahead! 14 15 16 23 28 6."
Rocket Boom v2.0 (Beta)
Much beloved Rocket Boom (at least by me) is back on. I was going a little crazy waiting for it. I guess I need to get a life. I have been caught up on who quit or left, who is a commie, and such scandal. Blogosphere, which I don't really think is a word, has been buzzing with speculations about new host, who to blame, etc.
Joanne Colan, the new host, comes equipped with English accent. She has that newness, which I mean stiffness. I wonder if Joanne is relaxed, but the stiffness is coming through her British born nature. I bet she gets better with time like most things. I have great expectations for her.
I shall miss Amanda Congdon, the ex-host. She got so good over time doing RB. I know it won't be same for a short time.
I am just glad RB is back.
Funny Video
I just saw the funniest video, which lampoons Zinedien Zidane's notorious head butt. Words do not do justice. Check it out at YouTube.
Free Calls
Skype is offering free calls within US and Canada until end of this calendar year. I am using it for long distance calls right now. At least for me, it is not the pristine sound I would like, but it will do. I mean it is FREE!
Even better, Skype is offering free calls to UK this weekend, to Mexico next weekend, to Japan the week after that. Wow. I wish I knew people in those countries.
It used to be fortunes inside cookies were philosophical and not telling of the future. You know, you are a winner, you are good looking, or such. I am happy to say fortunes I have been reading recently are much improved. Here is an example from yesterday, which read "Great Day Ahead! 14 15 16 23 28 6."
Rocket Boom v2.0 (Beta)
Much beloved Rocket Boom (at least by me) is back on. I was going a little crazy waiting for it. I guess I need to get a life. I have been caught up on who quit or left, who is a commie, and such scandal. Blogosphere, which I don't really think is a word, has been buzzing with speculations about new host, who to blame, etc.
Joanne Colan, the new host, comes equipped with English accent. She has that newness, which I mean stiffness. I wonder if Joanne is relaxed, but the stiffness is coming through her British born nature. I bet she gets better with time like most things. I have great expectations for her.
I shall miss Amanda Congdon, the ex-host. She got so good over time doing RB. I know it won't be same for a short time.
I am just glad RB is back.
Funny Video
I just saw the funniest video, which lampoons Zinedien Zidane's notorious head butt. Words do not do justice. Check it out at YouTube.
Free Calls
Skype is offering free calls within US and Canada until end of this calendar year. I am using it for long distance calls right now. At least for me, it is not the pristine sound I would like, but it will do. I mean it is FREE!
Even better, Skype is offering free calls to UK this weekend, to Mexico next weekend, to Japan the week after that. Wow. I wish I knew people in those countries.
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