I don't want to sound like Gollum, but I think my latest hard drive enclosure looks Marvelous! It is from Galaxy and called Metal Gear Box. It comes equipped with an ethernet and an USB port. It is capable of being a network drive. Yes!
Of course, everything did not go smooth. It came with virtually no directions. It definitely did not have any Mac instructions. Boo. I wrote the manufacturer's support an e-mail, which has not been acknowledged or replied back. I googled to no avail and looked at Apple support site. I got a reply back from my posting to Apple's site. I had to tinker with ip addresses and such! Well, it is working now after a couple days of frustrations.
I now have 650 gigabytes storage space after putting my precious on the network. It sounds more impressive as 0.65 terabyte of storage. I am afraid I am already using about a half of that. I got photos, music, and movies all stored away.
I might need some more storage! Am I addicted to storage?
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