Breakfast from the inn was bare essentials. Cereals, bagels (rock hard as described by others), biscuits and gravy (lumpy and cold), fruits, juices, and waffles (high light). Unfortunately, waffle machine was sticking and I could not get one. Darn it to heck!!!! We all decided that the breakfast is not up to our delicate palate.
We drove up to Wolf Creek. It is quite scenic like aftershave commercials. When we got there, I had to go and rent a pair of shoes and a board. I got confused as ski and boarding rentals are at different places. Friendly rental people helped me get the right equipment quickly. While trying on the equipment, I fell down in the shop. I was rocking back and forth on the board. HOW EMBARASSING! It cost me twenty six dollars for each day. It is not so bad, I thought to myself. I met back up with Jim and Beth with my newly rented equipment. COOL.
Jim thought we should get a private lesson. I did not disagree as I was a little freaked out anyway. I mean I just fell down in the rental shop. It worked out to out six five dollars per person with Jim, Beth, and me. After paying for the lesson and lift tickets, we started for the beginners area, which was fenced, after making sure we were nice and light by going to the restroom first. I felt like I was a kindergartener in a fenced area, where I could not harm myself.

Our first task was to stand up and just slide down strait on our heel side. Beth and I was able to get up on our heelside edge, but Jim was more comfortable with toeside edge. I slid down the hill first. It was not too bad. I took some video footage and pictures as I waited for the others. Beth and Jim took longer to get down as they were more careful. My way of saying, "Chickens!" Gabe and Mitch showed up out of nowhere. They watched us board for awhile before going back to more challeging courses.
I think we all still fell down off the lift second time. DARN IT ALL TO HECK! Travis taught me to traverse on heelside edge this time. He told me to look at the direction I want to go. I fell down a couple of times, but I got the hang of it. Once again, I took some footage of Jim and Beth and waited for the others.

We went to the lodge to get a bite to eat after splitting from Travis. It was quite busy. Although things were not cheap, they were not a complete rip off. I had a burger and it was quite tasty. I imagine much of that had to do with hunger. Mmm, burger!
I wanted to snowboard some more, but Jim and Beth decided to wait for the next day for more snowboarding. I decided to snowboard some more and meet up with Jim and Beth. For some reasons, it was much harder for me to stand up in the afternoon. I learned I cannot get from the right side. I snowboarded until three when I met back up with Jim and Beth.

I fell a victim to fatigue and went in and out of dreamland while others laughed their a$$ off watching David Chappelle show on DVD.
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