November 13, 2006
We woke up and started packing soon after our breakfast. I think everyone is ready to hike out and get home by reasonable time. Again, we all hike out at different paces. Nick and Amanda in the leading position, I in the middle, and Colby, Josh, and Debra in rear. Once the steep switchbacks appeared, I was feeling the workout I was putting in. I slowed tremendously. I did not want to flame out and keep resting frequently. I put my legs in low gear and walked slower as the switchbacks got steeper.
I turned back to check on the group behind me whenever I could. I started to worry about Debra as she looked like she was having a hard time with her knees. I thought to myself I might have to go back and help out later.
When I got to the top, Nick and Amanda were waiting. I told Nick that I probably need to go down and see if Debra might need some assistance. Not long after, the trio showed up. I was relieved to them. I mean I was ready to go, but I did not want to.
We took another mandatory group shots, and boarded the park's natural gas powered bus to the parking lot. We all took turn weighing our packs to see who was still carrying rocks in their packs.
We said good bye to Nick and Amanda as they left us for New Mexico. We found a bottle of beer. I was the lucky recipient and drank it faster than I ever drank any beer in my entire life. I guess hiking up Grand Canyon works up a thirst. Josh drove us to Flagstaff where we met up with Nick and Amanda again for a quick bite. We said our good bye once again.
I volunteered to drive. I had to fight drowsiness from lunch and fatigue. Everyone slept as I drove while fighting drowsiness. Thankfully, the drowsiness did not last. We arrived at Colby's safely early evening. What a great time! We said we should do this again soon.
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