It has been quite sometime since I hung out late at night. There is a name for calling it quits early, aging. I have been doing it for quite sometime. I am glad to say I did not call it quits early last Friday. YES!
It started with checking my voicemail around 3 pm. There was this p!$ed off message from Josh P. Let me just summarize the message this way. Rather an upset voice repeated four times, "Don't return my call. No, Don't return my call." Followed by a much subdued voice saying, "Give me a call back." I guess I don't return his calls often enough. (Mental note: Give Josh P more calls back!!!!!!!)
I gave him a call back immediately! It would seem Josh would like to go for a sushi dinner before we meet up with Amy's happy hour crew. I could not think of any good reason not to do this although I usually can think of a couple. I told Josh I would meet up at his house at around 5 pm. I actually got there around 4:30. I did not want to be in the smack middle of rush hour. Luckily, Josh was home playing a house maid. Poor ole Josh. We caught up with tidbits of our lives. I was mostly admiring his plasma TV that is hung over his fireplace. LUCKY DOG! We shared two bottles of helles as one was his concoction and the other was mine. We smelled, looked, and drank while commenting on the beer. Ah, to be a beverage critic. What life that would make.
We decided to go to a little sushi place near his house called Hanna Sushi. What a find! It is affordable (relative to other sushi places) and delicious. It is a small place, which all Japanese staff was running. Does it add to authenticity? I am not sure of it, but good none the less. Of course, I had my fixing of taco (octopus for those who don't know). Mm, taco! Our meal consisted mostly of rolls such as caterpillar, California, spicy tuna, and spicy scallops. To top it all, Josh scored four boxes of empty beer bottles.
We decided to go to Amy's Happy Hour straight after dinner although we had a little time to kill. I drove us in my MX-5 to Deser Ridge. Weather was great for a convertible. Josh first showed me this place called Yards where kegs and kegs of draft beer were in open display. Wow! Since we were meeting Amy et al at Rock Bottom, I suggested we did not drink at Yards.
When we arrived at RB, I did not see any recognizable faces. It did not matter, because we needed to get alcoholic beverages in our hand. We ordered trippel, a Belgian strong beer, and waited for the party to commence. First to join us were Matt and Becky, trippel and diet Coke. Four of us then looked for Amy et al. There they were sitting out in the porch area. It is always good to see our gang together. Amy made her rounds to chat with everyone as she was the raison detat. We ate, drank, and were merry!!!!! Cindy (aka princess) and Pam (aka restroom helper) showed up later. We ate more, drank more, and were even more merry.
We decided to go to another happy hour at Malee's. Unfortunately, we missed their reverse happy hour and got there after their close time. Shucks. That would have normally stopped me from partying further. Not this night. We went over to Yards. Colby got the tour of open display of kegs. We ate more, drank more, and got more merry. Of course, watching Pam down a shot of whipped cream is always the tops!!!!!!!!! Oh what fun we had.
I like to give a shout out, "holla," to two friends who weren't there. Michelle and Gina, we flew in a missing wing formation.
Marathon Update
Training is still going very poorly. I managed to skip about one training run per week. Luckily, I have not skipped any long runs. I am still very hopeful that I can go through with this race.
Week 5: 18miles, total 69 miles
Movie Recommenation
I watched a movie called, "The Chumscrubber." It is about a hyperbole about teenage existance among unrelatable grown-ups. It reminded a little of "Donnie Darko." The movie is surreal. I am not sure I really like this movie, but I did not hate this movie.
Beer Update
My octoberfest beer is not fermenting as quick as I've expected. It is a rather slow fermentation and I am a little concerned. I will transfer it to another vessel within a week. It smells great, which eases me.