Date: November 11, 2006

I woke up early, because I had to take care of my morning business. My legs felt mildly stiff, but I did not feel any pain that would require medication. YES! I guess training paid off. (Mental note: climb Squaw Peak more often.)
I saw a mound on top of our picnic tables. It turned out to be Debra sleeping in her bag. I was surprised since she was supposed to be sleeping with Pam in a tent. Huh? I wondered if there was a problem. Maybe the tent was too small?
After taking care of no.1, I decided to walk around the Bright Angel Campground and scout locations for photos and/or video footages as my campmates were not up yet at six a.m.
I walked to Black Bridge and Silver Bridge. I was looking around when I noticed a brilliant sunrise. I ran to the campground for my equipment. I say I ran, but I mean I moved as quick as I could without discomforts. Others were still sleeping. I made it back to the sunrise location where I video taped and took photos. Wow, what brilliantly red clouds to go with the great location. I also got some photos/footages of deers and campgrounds.
By the time I got back to the campground, everyone was up and getting ready for breakfast. They were heating water for oatmeal and coffee. It would seem people like oatmeal in the morning when they camp, because I never see anyone ordering oatmeal in restaurants. We were talking about various things, but there were no complaining. What troopers!
Somehow we ended up talking about yoga, and I thought it was a good idea to do some poses. I know it always makes me feel stronger. Especially, the warrior pose! Amanda and Debra joined me. Amanda is a tremendous yoga practitioner. Everyone was impressed. In fact, people broke out their cameras to take pictures. I suppose for Amanda's unbelievable poses and my comical poses.
We broke into groups as some wanted to hike, and some did not. I stayed back with Nick and Amanda. We talked and joked around a little. It would seem Nick likes to settle things by knife fights. It is a good thing I brought my pocket knife.
About lunch time, we decided to walk over to the only store/restaurant/canteen to get bagels. We came across two wild turkeys. Not the kind I am used to anyway. One of them even had a chest beard. They were aggressive. I thought they looked like velociraptors when they started to come at us. I did not want an altercation, so I ran away. In retrospect, it is kind of funny how I ran from the turkeys.
Everyone came back to the campground around mid afternoon. We sat around the tables and chatted, ate, and drank. After eating, Cindy, Josh, Anthony, and Janna made their way to the store for souvenirs.
Colby started putting together his fly fishing rod. Suddenly, Gina shouted loudly about a bug. I thought, 'weird, I don't see any bugs.' For the second time, Gina got freaked about a bug. This time she leaped up, and started brushing off a bug with her hands. Pam started bawling with laughter. Colby then started to laugh as well. I was not sure what was happening. Apparently, Colby touched Gina's ear with his fishing rod. Pam kept on laughing. Poor Gina.
Amy, Colby, Gina, Pam, and I went to the Colorado River. We wanted to hang out and watch Colby fish. I also wanted to get a video footage of it. We had to walk through some brushes, but it was nice to be near a noisy river. It did not take Colby too long to catch a rainbow, which was about 12 inches. We decided to come back in time for us to make the steak dinner. I mean who wants to be late to the best meal ever!!!!!
Thanks to Cindy, I had a reservation. I sat with Cindy, Josh, Pam, Anthony, and Janna. The dinner was served family style. We ate as much as laid out and asked for more if needed. We got a salad, a baked potato, corn and peas, a steak, corn bread, and chocolate cake. The meal was great.
It still did not measure up to the dinner I had here last time. I wondered if the meal does not feel as good because this is the second day rather than the first day like last time. I would still rank this meal way up there in memorable meals. Everyone was in great mood.
We went back to our campground as the stew reservations were coming in for their turn at eating. We played Battle of the Sexes. We wagered ten minutes of massaging. Men took off fast by answering questions like five mother sauces. When it was said and done, women still won by one question. I suspect a foul play as men never doubted if we were ever behind. I figured guys would not win by arguing about it anyway. Hanging Chad? Let Nick settle this by a knife fight with Debra?
Did I mention it started raining half way through the game? It did not matter as Josh and Nick was determined to go for a night cap. Who am I to stop them? I did the only sane thing, and joined them. We used whatever available to make it to canteen dry. According to Josh, I looked like the yellow M&M with the plastic cover I was using. Isn't that the dumb one?
I bought the first round. Mm, Tecates! We sat down to play fanga aka fake Janga. Josh struck up a conversation with a woman named Nicole, and she joined in our game of fanga. We were having a grand ole time building our wooden block very very tall. Yours truly did not lose once. Colby joined us about two games into it. It is always nice to have more when you are drinking and having a good time.
We close the place down. This only means ten o'clock! I was a little worried about sleeping outside, but I was under a canopy. I hoped it would not rain heavily over night.