November 12, 2006
Woke up early. Rain stopped and ground is not too wet. Thank God for that! Wanted to take some more sunrise pictures, but no dice this morning. When I came back, some of our campers started breaking down their tents as they depart this morning for the top. Amanda, Colby, Debra, Josh, Nick, and I are only climbing out half way to Indian Garden today.
Amy, C0lby, Janna, Anthony, and Cindy went for their reserved breakfast at Phantom. Mm, bacon!! David, Gina, and Pam went to send up some of their camp gears via mule. That is nice. Rest of us stayed and ate whatever fancied us. I am still not a fan of oatmeals.
The breakfast group came back with a story. Well, I am always up for a story. Apparently, the breakfast seat assigner dude got on the wrong side of Amy. As there were enough seats for the group, Amy sat where she was not assigned. Of course, the dude got into it with Amy. Well, he picked a wrong lady start something. Apparently, Amy laid into him. Go Amy! I would like to been there to witness this.
After the mule group came back, we finished packing their bags. We posed for the customary group photos before saying our goodbyes. They had a ten-hour hike ahead of them. Ouch!
Nick, Josh, Colby, and I went to the river. Josh and Colby wanted to fly fish. Neither one had any luck when I was there. I went back to the campground. I ate what little provisions I had left. I felt little low on food so I bought a bagel from the store. I also bought a postcard so I can send it to a friend whose birthday is today.
Nick, Josh, and Colby were back when I came back from the store. Josh was wet on one side. I suppose he slipped when he caught his eight-inch rainbow. Colby swears that he has a picture of Josh catching and it is not a fisherman's tale. Colby also caught another fish. We started packing so we can head out for Indian Garden after Nick, Colby, and Josh ate lunch. Unfortunately, I found a coffee cup from Phantom, and I did not feel like leaving it. I again went back to the store to return it. When I got back, everyone had a strange grin on their faces. I suspected that they put some extra equipment in my bag, but I was lazy to check. I also felt I should carry extra as my bag always end up being the lightest.
It was a little sad leaving a slice of heaven down in Grand Canyon, but it was time. I felt every step when I walked downhill. Luckily, most of the hike is up. I don't understand how my muscles felt more achy today after so much rest. Hmm. Nick and Amanda are fast hikers. I tried to stay close, but my comfortable pace cannot match their pace. It was about 4.5 mile hike, but felt much longer. Especially after the Indian Garden sign, which was not nearly close enough to the actual campground.
We all eventually got there around five. Sun was starting to go down. We all hurried to Plateau Peak even in our fatigued and achy conditions. We still wanted to be there to see Grand Canyon from one of the most scenic point. The hike was well worth it. With the sunset, we were all awed at the scene. Lots of photos. Too bad Amanda turned back.
When we got back, we were famished. A can of cheese was sacrificed as well as a couple sticks of salami. Per capita consumption of summer sausage and salami must have went through the sky when we embarked on our journey into and out of Grand Canyon.
We had our last freeze dried dinners except for Debra who still carried with her another half a dozen. Colby consumed a can of beef (one pound) along with his dinner. Good luck to his tent mates.
Just before turning in. Nick treated us to an x-rated shadow puppet show from inside his tent. I guess that goes along with a ski trip Debra might go on that night.
P.S. Did I mention how funny Nick is? Although there was not any knife fights for settling disputes, but he entertained us with Borat's "inferior potassium song" all day. Even Colby and I started singing it.
P.S.S. We heard from the other group that they made it out safe around seven. I think.